Hoi An Guide: What to do? What to visit? Where to eat?

Hoi An is a coastal city in Vietnam, located in Quang Nam province. It is one of the most popular destinations in the country, thanks to its historical and cultural charm. The city was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1999, due to its exceptional architectural heritage, which includes many old houses dating back to the time when it was an important international trading port in the 15th and 16th centuries.

Hoi An is also known for its delicious cuisine and many fashion and souvenir stores. The city is also famous for its colorful lanterns, which are lit every night and give the city a romantic and fairy-tale atmosphere.

In addition to its many historical and cultural sites, Hoi An is also located near many sandy beaches, making this destination ideal for those looking to combine history and relaxation.


Hoi An is located on the central coast of Vietnam, in the province of Quang Nam. The city is bordered by the Thu Bon River and is about 30 km south of Da Nang, and Da Nang International Airport.

The city is also located near several islands and beaches, offering visitors relaxing moments by the sea.

Hoi An weather – When to go?

The climate in Hoi An is tropical and humid, with average temperatures ranging from 25 to 35 degrees Celsius throughout the year. The city has two main seasons: the rainy season, which runs from September to December, and the dry season, which runs from January to August. The city can be prone to flooding during the rainy season, especially in December.

You can enjoy Hoi An all year round because even during the flooding periods, many travel agencies offer to visit the city by boat, which is an original experience as well.

How to get to Hoi An?

There are many ways to get to Hoi An from other parts of Vietnam or the world:

  • En avion : l’aéroport le plus proche de Hoi An est l’aéroport international de Da Nang, qui est situé à environ 30 km au nord de la ville. Il y a des vols directs depuis de nombreuses destinations en Asie. Une fois que vous êtes à l’aéroport, vous pouvez prendre un taxi ou un bus pour vous rendre à Hoi An.
  • En train : il y a plusieurs lignes de chemin de fer qui desservent la ville de Da Nang, qui est à environ 30 km de Hoi An. Vous pouvez prendre un train depuis Hanoi ou Saigon pour vous rendre à Da Nang, puis prendre un taxi ou un bus pour vous rendre à Hoi An.
  • En bus : il y a de nombreuses compagnies de bus qui desservent Hoi An depuis d’autres parties du Vietnam, y compris Hanoi, Saigon, Hue, Nha Trang, Mui Ne et Da Nang. Les bus sont souvent une option de transport abordable et pratique pour se rendre à Hoi An.
  • En moto : vous pouvez également louer une moto pour vous rendre à Hoi An depuis Da Nang. Cela peut être une bonne option si vous voulez explorer la région à votre guise et à votre propre rythme.

It is important to note that whatever mode of transportation you choose, it is recommended that you pay attention to traffic conditions and follow road safety rules at all times.

Main attractions

Hoi An is a very popular tourist destination in Vietnam, thanks to its exceptional cultural and architectural heritage. Here are some of the main attractions not to be missed during your visit to Hoi An:

  • La vieille ville de Hoi An : cette partie de la ville est classée au patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO et est connue pour ses nombreux bâtiments datant de l’époque où elle était un important port de commerce international. Vous pouvez vous promener dans les rues pétionnes et découvrir les nombreuses maisons et temples historiques, ainsi que les boutiques et les restaurants animés.
  • Le pont couvert japonais : ce pont en bois est l’un des symboles les plus célèbres de Hoi An. Il a été construit au XVème siècle par les Japonais et est devenu un lieu de culte pour les Chinois. Vous pouvez vous promener sur le pont et prendre des photos de la ville depuis le haut.
  • Le musée de la ville de Hoi An : ce musée est situé dans une ancienne maison en bois et présente une collection de objets de la vie quotidienne à Hoi An au fil des siècles. Vous pouvez en apprendre davantage sur l’histoire et la culture de la ville en visitant ce musée.
  • Les lanternes de Hoi An : les lanternes de Hoi An sont célèbres dans le monde entier et sont un élément clé de la vie culturelle de la ville. Vous pouvez acheter une lanterne pour la suspendre dans la ville ou assister au Festival des lanternes, qui a lieu chaque mois, lors de la Pleine Lune.
  • Les plages de Hoi An : la ville est située à proximité de plusieurs plages de sable fin, offrant aux visiteurs de nombreuses possibilités de sports nautiques et de détente au bord de la mer. Les plages les plus populaires de la région incluent An Bang et Cua Dai.

There are many other attractions to discover in Hoi An, such as Japanese gardens, Chinese temples and lively markets. There is something for everyone, so take the time to explore and discover all that the city has to offer.

Having your clothes made to measure

Hoi An is famous for its tailors, who offer custom-made clothes at affordable prices. The city is a popular destination for those looking to have quality clothing made, such as suits, wedding dresses, shirts and pants.

There are many tailors in the city, offering a wide range of fabrics and styles. You can have clothing made to measure by choosing your fabric and providing your own measurements, or you can opt for a predefined model and have it adjusted to your size. Most tailors also offer alterations and modifications to make sure your clothes fit perfectly.

It is recommended that you have your garments made at least one day in advance to ensure that you have enough time for any adjustments and alterations. Hoi An tailors are known for their quality and speed, but it’s always best not to leave it all to the last minute.

In addition to having your clothes made to order, you can also buy ready-to-wear clothing in the city’s many fashion boutiques. There are many stores offering quality clothes at reasonable prices, so feel free to explore and shop while visiting Hoi An.

Gastronomy and restaurants

Hoi An is famous for its delicious and varied cuisine, with many local specialties to discover. Here are some of the most popular gastronomic specialties of Hoi An:

  • La soupe de nouilles Cao Lau : cette soupe est l’une des spécialités les plus célèbres de Hoi An. Elle est faite avec des nouilles fines et des légumes locaux, ainsi que du porc mariné et des arachides concassées. La soupe est généralement servie avec du feuilleté croustillant à la vapeur.
  • Les nouilles au poulet et aux crevettes Wonton : cette spécialité est faite avec des nouilles fines, du poulet et des crevettes, ainsi que des légumes et des wontons frits croustillants. Elle est souvent servie avec une sauce savoureuse et épicée.
  • Le banh mi : le banh mi est un sandwich vietnamien populaire, qui est généralement fait avec du pain à baguette croustillant et farci de viande grillée, de légumes marinés et de sauces épicées. Vous pouvez trouver de nombreux vendeurs de banh mi dans les rues de Hoi An.
  • Les rôtis de porc mariné : les rôtis de porc mariné sont une autre spécialité populaire de Hoi An. Ils sont généralement servis avec du riz gluant et des légumes marinés.

There are many good restaurants in Hoi An, offering a wide range of Vietnamese and international dishes. Here are some of the best restaurants in the city:

  • Morning Glory Restaurant : ce restaurant est considéré comme l’un des meilleurs de Hoi An, proposant une cuisine vietnamienne de qualité dans un cadre élégant.
  • La Maison 1948 : ce restaurant est situé dans une ancienne maison en bois et propose une cuisine vietnamienne authentique dans un cadre charmant.
  • Thanh Café : ce café est réputé pour ses plats vietnamiens savoureux et ses desserts délicieux.

There are many other quality restaurants in Hoi An, so feel free to explore and try new things during your stay in the city.

Where to stay?

Hoi An offers a wide range of accommodation options, from luxury hotels and hostels to guesthouses and rental apartments. Here are some of the most popular accommodation options in Hoi An:

  • Les hôtels : il y a de nombreux hôtels de qualité à Hoi An, proposant une variété de chambres et de suites pour répondre à tous les besoins et budgets. Les hôtels de la ville offrent souvent des services de qualité, comme des piscines, des restaurants et des centres de fitness.
  • Les maisons d’hôtes : il y a de nombreuses maisons d’hôtes charmantes à Hoi An, proposant une expérience d’hébergement plus intime et authentique. Les maisons d’hôtes sont souvent situées dans des quartiers calmes et offrent des chambres confortables et des services de qualité.
  • Les auberges de jeunesse : si vous cherchez une option d’hébergement abordable, vous pouvez opter pour une auberge de jeunesse. Il y a de nombreuses auberges de jeunesse à Hoi An, proposant des dortoirs et des chambres privées à des prix raisonnables.

Where to go shopping?

Hoi An is a popular shopping destination in Vietnam, offering a wide range of local and international products at affordable prices. Here are some of the best places to shop in Hoi An:

  • Les marchés de rue : il y a de nombreux marchés de rue animés dans la ville, proposant toutes sortes de produits, comme des vêtements, des accessoires, des souvenirs et des produits locaux. Les marchés de rue sont un excellent endroit pour découvrir la culture et l’artisanat locaux, ainsi que pour trouver de bonnes affaires.
  • Les magasins de mode : il y a de nombreuses boutiques de mode à Hoi An, proposant une large gamme de vêtements, de chaussures et d’accessoires de qualité à des prix abordables. Vous pouvez trouver des produits locaux et internationaux dans ces magasins.
  • Les magasins d’artisanat : il y a de nombreux magasins d’artisanat à Hoi An, proposant une large gamme de produits artisanaux locaux, comme des lanternes, des vases, des bijoux et des objets de décoration.
  • Les magasins de souvenirs : il y a de nombreux magasins de souvenirs à Hoi An, proposant une large gamme de souvenirs locaux et internationaux, comme des t-shirts, des porte-clés, des magnets et des cartes postales.

Tips and tricks

Here are some tips and tricks to make the most of your visit to Hoi An:

  • Faites-vous confectionner des vêtements sur mesure : Hoi An est réputée pour ses tailleurs, qui proposent des vêtements de qualité à des prix abordables. C’est une excellente opportunité de se faire confectionner des vêtements uniques et de qualité.
  • Explorez la vieille ville à pied : la vieille ville de Hoi An est une destination touristique très populaire, mais elle est également piétonne. Prenez le temps de vous promener dans les rues pavées et de découvrir les nombreuses maisons et temples historiques, ainsi que les boutiques et les restaurants animés.
  • Goûtez à la cuisine locale : Hoi An est réputée pour sa cuisine délicieuse et variée, avec de nombreuses spécialités locales à découvrir. N’hésitez pas à explorer les différents restaurants et à essayer de nouvelles choses.
  • Participez à des activités culturelles : il y a de nombreuses activités culturelles à Hoi An, comme des cours de cuisine, des cours de langue, des ateliers d’artisanat et des visites guidées. C’est une excellente façon de découvrir la culture et les traditions locales et de rencontrer des gens intéressants.
  • Visitez la région en dehors de la ville : Hoi An se trouve à proximité de nombreuses attractions naturelles et historiques, comme les plages de sable fin de Cua Dai et An Bang, les montagnes de marbre, le pont doré de Bana Hills, les plages paradisiaques de Da Nang… N’hésitez pas à explorer la région en dehors de la ville pour découvrir de nouvelles aventures.
  • Faites attention à votre sécurité : comme dans tout voyage, il est important de prendre des précautions de sécurité. Soyez vigilant lorsque vous êtes dans les lieux publics, ne laissez pas vos affaires sans surveillance et faites attention à votre environnement.
  • N’oubliez pas de vous protéger du soleil : Hoi An est située dans une région chaude et ensoleillée, il est donc important de se protéger du soleil et de boire beaucoup d’eau. N’oubliez pas de mettre de la crème solaire et de porter un chapeau ou un parapluie pour vous protéger du soleil.

Map of the city

Hoi An is a relatively small city and easy to explore on foot. Hoi An’s Old Town, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is pedestrianized and is the heart of the city. It is surrounded by canals and lively streets, offering many restaurants, stores and tourist attractions.

The city is divided into several districts, each with its own identity and attractions. Here are some of the most popular neighborhoods in Hoi An:

  • La vieille ville : cette partie de la ville est connue pour ses bâtiments, ainsi que pour ses nombreux temples, maisons et boutiques animées. C’est un excellent endroit pour se promener et découvrir la culture et l’histoire de Hoi An. Il y a très peu d’hôtels dans la vieille ville et ils sont souvent complets des mois à l’avance.
  • Autour de la vieille ville : c’est là où vous trouverez des hôtels, maisons d’hôte abordables et confortables.
  • Les plages : Hoi An est située à proximité de plusieurs plages de sable fin, offrant aux visiteurs de nombreuses possibilités de sports nautiques et de détente au bord de la mer. Les plages les plus populaires de la région incluent An Bang et Cua Dai.

Take the time to discover all that the city has to offer and immerse yourself in its atmosphere.

Mui Ne Guide: What to do? Top Attractions


Mui Ne is inherently the name of a cape protruding into the sea, the name of a sea cape in Phan Thiet city, Binh Thuan province, Vietnam. This is a famous tourist center of Binh Thuan province and one of the national tourist areas of Vietnam 198km from Ho Chi Minh City. Population 1,180,300 (2011 estimate),
The name Mui Ne comes from the fact that fishermen often come here when they encounter a storm when they go to sea to take refuge. “Nose” is the headland leading to the great sea; “Dodge” means to dodge, escape the storm. This place has a harmony between the yellow color of fine sand, the iridescent color of the sun and the deep blue of the sea, creating a feeling of warmth and freshness.
Located 22km northeast of Phan Thiet city, Mui Ne (Binh Thuan) is one of the most beautiful beaches in Southeast Asia with a clear blue sea and wide sand dunes.
Not only famous for its white sand dunes, Mui Ne also impresses visitors by the lush green coconut groves stretching along the coast in an arc. The tall coconut trees, falling to the shore, create a poetic scene for Mui Ne beach.

Mui Ne’s Weather – When to go?

A year is divided into 2 seasons: dry season and rainy season.
The heaviest rain falls around June and July. However, this place is said to have the lowest rainfall in the country, so the rains are usually small and stop quickly.
The dry season in Mui Ne is usually pleasant and sunny. The hottest month falls in April, May, the peak is about 29-30°C.

Mui Ne’s climate is mild and pleasant, all four seasons can be visited, and rain is not a big obstacle.

1. From December to February

The weather is a bit chilly, making the scene even more poetic. Visitors can come to play sandboarding or watch the sunset gradually descend behind the colorful sand dunes. This is also the occasion when the lotus flowers in Bau Trang bloom simultaneously, creating a wonderful picture of nature with pink lotus, clear lake and immense white sand.

2. August to December

It’s time for wave lovers. If the summer waves are quiet and tasteless, this season the waves are joyful, youthful again, undulating just enough but not too strong. Those who love surfing, canoeing and swimming activities should travel to Mui Ne from August to December.

3. The end April to early July

The hottest time of the year in Mui Ne is from the end of April to the beginning of July. Although the sun is hot, this is the time when Mui Ne welcomes the most tourists because, in the midst of the sweltering summer day, everyone wants to immerse themselves in the cool seawater. Therefore, summer is the peak season for beach tourism in general, not just Mui Ne.
Mui Ne each season has a different look, each time has a different nuance.

How To Go To Mui Ne From Ho Chi Minh City


These bus companies depart from Mien Dong bus station or De Tham street, District 1 by coach. Kumho,


Two trains from Saigon to Phan Thiet you can choose from:
– The SPT2 train departs from 6:40 AM – 10:26 AM.
– The SPT4 train departs from 7:25 AM – 11:10AM.

Limousine Bus

Ticket price from 200-250VND/person


Starting from Ho Chi Minh City in the direction of National Highway 1A, you will arrive in Binh Thuan province. Then, at the Suoi Cat crossroads, turn right to Phan Thiet and continue on provincial route 706 to Mui Ne.

How To Go From Hanoi to Mui Ne

Phan Thiet city, 1510 km south of Hanoi.

1. Passenger car

With a distance of 1510 km, if you go by car, it will take you up to 27 hours by car. You can buy tickets right at the bus station with reputable and quality bus operators such as Mai Linh Express, Hoang Long…

  • Ticket price ranges from 700,000 to 800,000 VND

2. Train

Compared to the car, the train is quite fast and safe for you to choose to go to Mui Ne. You can buy tickets directly at Hanoi station with trains such as SE3, SE5, SE7, or TN1 with a frequency of 5 trips/day.
If you choose the train, you will have to stop at Binh Thuan station and then continue from Binh Thuan station to move to Mui Ne about 39 km more.

  • Train ticket prices range from 441,000 to 1,531,000 VND depending on the airline.

3. Airplanes

Option 1: Depart from Noi Bai airport and land at Tan Son Nhat airport. Then you continue to move from Ho Chi Minh City to Phan Thiet by train or bus. From Saigon to Mui Ne, it will take you more than 4 hours to travel.

Option 2: depart from Noi Bai airport and land at Cam Ranh airport (Nha Trang) and continue to depart for Phan Thiet. From Cam Ranh airport to Mui Ne, it will take you about 4 hours to travel with a distance of 219 km.

Means of Transportation in Mui Ne
Popular means of transportation in Mui Ne, Phan Thiet are motorbikes, jeep rentals, or taxis.

The ideal destination in Mui Ne

1. Mui Ne Flying Sand Dunes

It is the erosion of sand that has created countless interesting shapes like mirages. The living scene is always changing, almost not overlapping every day. In addition to the usual yellow color, the sand here is also ivory white, gray-white, pink, light red… creating very beautiful color patches.

2. Mui Ne White Sand Dunes

Located in the complex of Mui Ne Bay Sand Dunes, White Sand Dunes is most prominent by the beautiful ivory white sand color. In particular, in the windy seasons, the movement of sand will create strange shapes.

3. Fairy Stream Mui Ne

Dubbed the “relief of nature”, Suoi Tien Mui Ne landscape possesses a majestic and brilliant beauty with a stream dyed in alluvium, flowing around the mountainside. Each season of the year, Fairy Stream Mui Ne brings a different beauty.

4. Mui Ne Wine Castle

This castle was built by the owner in the ancient European architectural style, with huge wine cellars below. Visitors here not only visit, buy wine but also taste world-famous wines.

5. Poshanu Tower Mui Ne

Known as the great symbol of the Champa Kingdom, Poshanu Cham Towers possesses great values in terms of art, history, culture, and architecture. All the spiers are used construction materials are red burnt Cham bricks. This is one of the clusters of towers that are still relatively intact today

6. Bau Sen

Located in the area of white sand dunes, Bau Sen emerges as a beautiful freshwater lake shimmering among giant sand dunes. In the sunshine like the coastal desert, Bau Sen lake becomes shimmering and blurry.

7. Rom Island

Because of the lack of strong tourism exploitation, this small island still retains almost intact its wild and liberal beauty. The sun and nature are simple, but all in all, it is a beauty that is strangely peaceful and simple.

8. Kitesurfing

This subject is currently popular in Mui Ne and Phan Rang areas. These 2 areas have a lot of players, most of which are foreigners. Wind and sea conditions here are extremely favorable for kitesurfing and there are two main wind seasons here, which are southerly and irregular.

The wind is unusually stronger and more regular and usually starts from November to April every year, so this is the peak season for this sport. If you learn in this season, you will know how to play very quickly.

And the south wind is less and often irregular with occasional rain, sudden thunderstorms. This season is the low season for this sport from June to October every year.

What to Eat in Mui Ne?

1. Seafood

Seafood in Mui Ne is famous for being delicious and cheap, especially, you can buy seafood directly from fishermen, when the boat arrives early in the morning. Some special seafood dishes you should try in Mui Ne are fish salad, snail salad, grilled squid teeth, steamed or grilled shrimp, and crab.

2. Rolled rice paper rolls

Also the rice paper but unlike the rice paper in other regions, the sticky rice paper rolls in Mui Ne, Phan Thiet are rolled with spicy, fatty fish sauce, and quail eggs, which are delicious and easy to eat.

3. Grilled Sand Iguana

Thunderstorm meat is said to be more fragrant, tender, and fatty than chicken. With a unique local processing method, grilled pork belly has become a distinct specialty in Mui Ne.

4. Banh Re

Crispy, attractive, not too sweet flavor has satisfied many people from the first taste.

5. Grilled Squid Teeth

Squid teeth are actually small round meat, located right at the mouth of the squid. It feels chewy when eating. Squid teeth are often chosen as an appetizer when you go to eat at specialty restaurants in Mui Ne.

6. Banh Beo Chen

Banh Beo cup is a simple breakfast dish for local people. The taste of Banh Beo here is very different from Hue’s banh beo because of its sweeter taste. The cake is served with green beans, shrimp meat, fat, fish sauce, tomato sauce, and crushed peanuts to create a rich, eye-catching red color.

7. Banh Canh Cha Ca

Mui Ne soup cake has a sweeter taste than fish cake soup in other places like Nha Trang, Da Nang,… Visitors can also enjoy it with bread to eat with the broth, which is also very strange.

8. Quai Vac Cake

Unlike the fried Banh Quai in the North, the banh quai cauldron in Mui Ne is steamed. The transparent skin of the cake can clearly see the shrimp meat, green beans inside. The cake is served with lightly mixed fish sauce with onion fat, which is quite delicious. Eating about 5-7 pieces at a time is enough to fill you up for the afternoon.

What to buy as a gift when traveling to Mui Ne?

Phan Thiet fish sauce, Phan Thiet rice cake, Dragon fruit, One-sun squid, Dried shrimp with dried squid, Phan Thiet fish sauce,
Some experiences when traveling to Mui Ne.

  • Even though it’s at the sea, it gets dark very quickly. By 4 o’clock, it’s no longer sunny, so if you want to take pictures in the sun, you have to go early.
  • Renting a jeep is more fun and cheaper. And it is recommended to take a jeep because the road is also quite far, it will be tiring to ride a motorbike.
  • If you want to take pictures of the sea, you should go early before 11 am because the sand beach will be wider and cleaner.
  • It is better to book a room directly at the hotel, the price will be cheaper.
  • Restaurants, hotels, and resorts are all on Nguyen Dinh Chieu Street, but this road is quite long, so you need a motorbike to move around.
  • If you want to visit the Sand Dunes, the most suitable time is from 7-8 am when the temperature is only from 25 – 27 degrees Celsius. At this time, the sand dunes have not been heated so you can comfortably walk barefoot. Walk on the sand to see the beauty of Mui Ne.
  • If your purpose of coming to Mui Ne is mainly for swimming, you should note that you should not swim in July and August because this time seaweed thrives, the seawater is likely to be polluted by algae and cloudy. , has the potential to cause skin allergies
    I hope the above sharing will help you have an enjoyable trip. Mui Ne is one of the great tourist destinations combining the blue sea and golden sand, which brings a wild beauty for you to explore. This will be one of the great options for you to explore this summer.

City Map

Hanoi Guide: What to do? Top Attractions


Located in the north of Viet Nam, Hanoi is a beautiful city that cannot be missed out from the journey along this beautiful country. Yet, how to explore this capital city of Vietnam might challenge you as a first-time tourist here. Today, we’ll help you with an overall guide about Hanoi.

About Hanoi

In case you haven’t known, the little city is recognized as the City for Peace by UNESCO, and the oldest capital city among those in Southeast Asia.

On having evidence of human residence about 20,000 years ago and becoming the capital city of Vietnam in 1010, Hanoi is a city with such a long history and plays a central role in the politics, economy and culture of the country. Throughout the time, this city has expanded in terms of area and population to about over 8 million people living in 12 districts.

Because of the centralized services in the city, people from all over the country, especially the northern, have flocked to Hanoi to receive higher education or look for job opportunities. Therefore, you will find traces of cultures from diverse nearby areas in the city.

What time is best to visit Hanoi?

Unlike the all-the-year hot weather in Saigon, or Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), it can be cold or warm in Hanoi depending on the season. Therefore, your favorite weather will choose a suitable time for you. To be short, the weather throughout the year will be:

  • December – March: cold, windy, temperature can be as low as 10 degrees Celsius
  • April – May: warmer
  • June – August: extremely hot, it can be 39 degrees during the peak of the intense heat
  • September – November: cooler

There will be days with bright blue sky or ones with murky grey sky in each season. So it’s like a fortune wheeler to ensure your visiting time will be those perfect days. One more thing to note is the rain and humid times. February, March, or even April can be annoyingly humid, while the rainy season will start from August to October. Remember to bring appropriate clothes for your health and some face masks to avoid Covid-19 (of course!) and occasional bad AQI days

If you can’t make your decision, avoiding rainy times is the easiest option. Visiting on Tet (Vietnamese Lunar New Year), which might be in February or March, is also not recommended as businesses close and people go back to their hometown.

How to go to Hanoi?

If you’re starting your trip from another country, the answer is definitely a flight to Noi Bai airport. Nonetheless, chances are that you’re in another city in Vietnam like HCMC, Da Nang, Hue, and so on. In that case, there are 3 options for you: plane, train, and sleeper bus. The price decreases and transporting time increases respectively; consequently, the bus is not in consideration due to lengthy and tiring trip.

You want convenience, little travel time, and you have quite a good budget? Choose to have a flight. Vietnam Airlines (the so-called national airlines) and Bamboo Airways are highly suggested for those who want quality service. The price for a one-way flight from Saigon to Hanoi (probably the longest trip in Vietnam) currently ranges from $50 to $315 for these two airlines, not to mention there’re special deals from just $5. You can book tickets on their websites fly.vietnamairlines.com and bambooairways.com or through e-commerce websites/applications like Traveloka.com, Shopee, Momo, etc.

You want to explore the beautiful landscape of the countryside on the trip and have some time to spare? Going to Hanoi by train is for you! The time is much longer, about 38 hours. But it’s worth seeing the beauty of the country from day till night before exploring the capital city, isn’t it? At a cost of $40 to $55, you will have a seat on the train by Vietnam Railway. Online tickets are sold on dsvn.vn.

Which places in Hanoi to visit?

You’re in the capital city of national administration, politics, economy, and culture. Which are better than the historic places to grasp the essence of the city? Monuments, temples, agodas, museums, and places with history are a must to pay a visit. However, the number will be overwhelming if visitors are short of time. No more worries, we’ve created a list for you to choose from:

  • Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum (Ba Dinh Dist.): It’s the resting place of President Ho Chi Minh, the founder of current Vietnam and the hero of the nation. If you’re able to pay a visit to the mummified hero, please show respect by being quiet and wearing formal clothes while going inside.
  • Temple of Literature (Dong Da Dist.): Built in 1070, the place served as Vietnam’s first national university. Every Tet, people come here to ask for artworks of calligraphy, wishing for wisdom and luck in exams.
  • Hoa Lo Prison (Hoan Kiem Dist.): Like its Vietnamese name, which means fiery stove, it was literally hell for Indochina and later American prisoners during Vietnam War. Here, you will go back time to observe the crime of humanity and resilience of prisoners through reconstructed statues.
  • Many, many museums: Vietnam Military History Museum (Ba Dinh Dist.), The Imperial Citadel of Thang Long (Ba Dinh Dist.), Ho Chi Minh Museum (Ba Dinh Dist.), Ho Chi Minh Relics House (Hoan Kiem Dist.), Museum of People’s Public Security (Hoan Kiem Dist.), Museum of Vietnamese Literature Diagram (Tay Ho Dist.), Vietnam Natural Museum (Cau Giay Dist.), etc.

There’re a lot more museums and places with history; however, these are the most worth sightseeing to know more about the history of Vietnam and Hanoi in particular. For something more fun, scroll down to know what they are!

What to buy for gifts and souvenirs?

To keep a memory of a place for yourself, it’s best to look for the specialties of that place. If you want some souvenirs, you sometimes see people selling those at some of the tourist attractions mentioned in this article. But remember, those staying in a place with history may have spiritual power, so if you find an uneasy feeling after owning them, you should get rid of them immediately.

Additionally, souvenirs can be purchased in tourist-targeted shops, specifically those in Hoan Kiem District. You will find Hanoi-related models, cards, clothes, things like that. They’re meaningful, but always remember to negotiate for a better deal. Learning to bargain is what should be done for every tourist on their first visit to a city, right?

Foods as Gifts

If you want something more than just commercial souvenirs, foods and traditional clothes are best to buy. You can look for Vietnamese snacks in the supermarkets to enjoy on the trip in Hanoi, or Com (Young Rice) is the best. Soft, chewy, full of earthy flavor, it will give you an authentic feeling of an old city with over 1000 years of history. Banh Com, made of this rice, is also worth a try. The best Com and Banh Com are said to be sold on Hang Than street and by street vendors in Hoan Kiem district. An important note is that Banh Com has less than 1 week until its expiry date due to no preservative additionals, but Com can be kept fresh and yummy in an air-tight container in a freezer for a much longer time.

Besides, O Mai is another thing to try and bring home for your family and friends. They’re sweet and sour, good for your health and well-loved snack/medicine for the royal family in the past and people of all ages these days. You can buy them at Hong Lam, a famous brand specialized in providing quality O Mai in beautiful packaging. O Mai Tien Thinh (21 Hang Duong St.), O Mai Gia Loi (8 Hang Duong St.), O Mai Van Loi (Hang Da) are also known for producing delicious O Mai for many family generations.

Are you (or your gift recipients) a chocolate lover? Try Maison Marou Hanoi for delicious chocolate with amazing flavors, including those relating to Vietnamese cuisine like Pho!

Clothes and Jewelry as Gifts

Traditional clothes are a good choice. Ao Dai is more well-known to the world as Vietnamese traditional clothes. Nonetheless, there are now more options as various Viet Phuc (Vietnamese traditional clothes) are recently on the rise. You can find Ao Tac, Ao Vien Linh, Ao Nhat Binh, and many others online or at some shops. If you want to buy on e-commerce platforms, search Việt Phục on Shopee and there’ll be some options with good reviews.

To look up close at store, you can visit the address on the Facebook page of V’style – Viet Co Phuc cach tan (V’style – Modernized Vietnamese Traditional Clothes) or Thuy Trung Nguyet (Moon in Water).
Clothes go with jewelry. Hi’de Maison (116 Pho Duc Chinh St.) is a place to shop handcrafted silverware, from Kieng (traditional Viet necklace), earrings, rings, to haircombs and cutlery. Silver Soul Studio is another place offering high-quality handmade silver jewelry inspired by nature on the 2nd floor of 174 Xa Dan 2 alley.

Other ideas

For some gifts ideas, you can visit Crabit (adorable stationery store), The Craft House (board games and creative items), LiuLo Arts & Craft (creative, artistic heaven),…

What are local experiences in Hanoi you should try?

Wander around Hoan Kiem Lake to explore the Old Quarters. The weekdays will make the streets a little bit crowded, busy and a bit scary for first-time crossing the streets, but you just need to stay calm, look for a space with no furious upcoming riders and decisively go ahead. Or go at weekend, and you will see no vehicles around the lake but people playing, dancing and singing everywhere. Another lake to visit is Ho Tay (West Lake). You will see people running, jogging around the lake or others going to a cafeteria nearby with their friends. Couples also love to go here to enjoy a moment with their lovers.

The Train Road, or locally Tran Phu Street, is a destination for something unique. There’s a railway with actual trains passing daily despite houses less than 1 meter away from them on two sides. You should have some coffee, or even Pho (the famous noodle), at the time of the train coming, and take some pictures to tell your story of a bizarre experience.

As for people with artistic souls, exhibitions here and there in the Hoan Kiem district are worth your visit. Yet, if you want to know what the young here are interested in, you can look up if there is an exhibition at VCCA in Royal City shopping mall. Paintings, sculptures are sometimes displayed here without any ticket, making it a perfect place for many gen Z to check-in. Water Puppet Show at 49 Dinh Tien Hoang St. (Hoan Kiem Dist.) is good as well to immerse in Vietnamese culture.

To relax your muscles after long days of going around, some sessions of hair washing or massage is amazing. Dao’s Care in Tay Ho Dist. or Nha Ba Gian in Hoan Kiem Dist. are good places, considering the medicinal herbs and traditional methods.

What to eat in Hanoi?

Savory foods

Going to Hanoi, no wonder that Pho and Banh Mi are must-try. But there are many other foods to enjoy. Here are your savory list to try:

  • Xoi: sticky rice with various toppings like eggs, pate, stewed pork, sausages, etc.
  • Different types of traditional rice noodles like Bun: Bun Bo (beef), Bun Ga (chicken), Bun Cha, Bun Rieu Cua (crab meat), Bun Dau Mam Tom (cold noodle with shrimp paste and other toppings)
  • Banh Cuon: soft rice pancakes
  • And even skewers on the streets are our recommendation for you in the journey of Vietnamese cuisine.


When it comes to desserts, Trang Tien ice cream on Trang Tien street is where you go straight ahead. Popsicles and ice-cream cones from natural ingredients are what the shop served for years in Hanoi.
You must also put Che in your food list, especially when you’re in the Hoan Kiem district. In summer, you can eat:

  • Che Dau (black/mung/red/white bean)
  • Che 4 Mua, Che Hat Sen (Lotus Seed)

In winter, these 2 followings are best to warm up your stomach:

  • Xoi Che Ba Cot
  • Banh Troi Nuoc


Ca Phe, Vietnamese coffee, must be on your list. Its flavor has already crossed the border and gained the love of the whole world, You can try the classic black coffee or Bac Xiu, and the local Egg Coffee at many coffee shops. The coffee culture has flourished in Hanoi in recent years, so you’ll easily find one, especially in the Hoan Kiem district or Tay Ho district.

In addition to coffee, another caffeine beverage you should try is tea. A perfect place for you to enjoy different types of tea with some pastries in a calming atmosphere is The Social Tea Hub on Tay Son Street. Phuc Long teashop chain is another destination for tea lovers.

If the foods and drinks are a means to join with local life, you must try the beer corner on Ta Hien St. at night. Sitting on a chair apparently for a 6-year-old, you have local beer and side dishes to have some fun with your friends and people close by. What a way to end the day!

Where to stay ?

City Map

Ho Chi Minh City Guide: What to do? Top Attractions & Restaurants

The destination that I would like to introduce today, which is also Vietnam’s economic center, is Ho Chi Minh City, also known as Saigon. Saigon played a pivotal role during the tumultuous years of the Vietnam War and was also a historical witness to the country’s moments of independence.

Ho Chi Minh City is named after the President who brought independence to Vietnam.


Ho Chi Minh City is nearly 1,730km by road from Vietnam’s capital, Hanoi. Located at the international crossroads between the maritime routes from North to South, from East to West, Ho Chi Minh city is the focal point of Southeast Asia.

The North borders Binh Duong province, the Northwest borders Tay Ninh province, the East and Northeast borders Dong Nai province, the Southeast borders Ba Ria – Vung Tau province, the West and Southwest border Long An.

Ho Chi Minh City consists of 19 districts and 5 districts from Hoc Mon field to Can Gio district, from Thu Duc orchard to remote Binh Chanh district, it’s all part of Ho Chi Minh city.

As of July 2021, according to the World Population Review website, the population of Ho Chi Minh City reached 8,837,544 people.

Saigon’s Weather – When to go?

Ho Chi Minh City is located in the South, which is a tropical monsoon sub-equatorial region, so the temperature is consistently high throughout the year. The two seasons, rainy and dry, clearly have a profound impact on the city landscape.

  • The rainy season lasts from April to September
  • The dry season covers the rest of the year

Therefore, if you want to travel to Saigon, you should choose the sunny season. However, in the hot season, the temperature in Saigon is quite high with an average of about 28 degrees Celsius and the highest in April (30.5 degrees Celsius), the lowest, in December at about 26 degrees Celsius.

During the day, Saigon is bustling and hasty because everyone seems to be racing with the pace of life, Saigon at night is splendid and luxurious like a queen. Coming to Ho Chi Minh City, we cannot ignore the following places.

Traveling to Ho Chi Minh City

As Vietnam’s largest city, Saigon possesses an extremely modern and developed transport network. There are many ways for visitors to come to this historic city.

Airplane (for international or domestic guests)

Tan Son Nhat Airport is 8km from the city center, very convenient for moving into the city. Currently, at this airport, dozens of planes take off or land daily from 3 domestic airlines: Vietnam Airlines, Vietjet, Bamboo… It’s also a busy international airport, with direct flights coming from the USA, Europe, Middle-East, and Asia.

For cheap flight tickets, you can refer to two airlines Vietjet and Jetstar with many preferential flight tickets ranging from 199,000VND to 900,000 VND for domestic flights.

There will be many flight schedules during the day so you can choose to move whenever you need.

Transportation to/from Tan Son Nhat Airpot

After landing at the airport, you can reach the city center by taxi, private hire, bus or shuttle:

  • For taxis, prices range from 200 000VND – 300 000VND from the airport to the inner city.
  • Uber’s equivalent in Vietnam is Grab, prices range from 200 000VND – 300 000VND from the airport to the inner city.
  • Bus number 152, bus 159, Shuttle Bus 49 with travel time from 30 to 65 minutes/time, ticket prices range from 6,000VND to 40,000 VND/pax/way.


If you have a lot of time and want to go enjoy the scenery, then do not hesitate to choose the train. Gently moving on the road, watching each rustic idyllic countryside slowly pass through the eyes, and having private space with friends to chat, will definitely make your Saigon tour more unforgettable.

If starting from Hanoi station, you should use the train connecting the North-South named Thong Nhat. The final destination is Saigon station in the District 3 area, quite close to the central area of District 1. Train ticket prices currently depend a lot on the class of seats, compartments, and the type of trains you choose. Normally, the train route from Hanoi to Saigon varies from 578,000VND to 2,200,000 VND/pax/ticket with a total travel time of 30 hours.

Shuttle Bus

If you are already in Vietnam, you can choose to travel by Shuttle Bus, this is a cheap and economical means of transportation.

The car companies you can choose from are Phuong Trang, Thanh Buoi, Tuan Tu…
You can go directly to the bus companies’ website to book tickets online.

Ticket prices range from 200 000VND – 350 000VND, the price will be 100 000VND -200 000VND during high seasons.

Transportation within Ho Chi Minh City

If you don’t book a package tour, some of the popular means of transportation to tourist areas in Saigon are taxis, motorbike rentals, buses, cyclos, or Saigon water buses. Taking a taxi / Grab is suitable for groups of friends or families.

If you want to explore the streets, renting a motorbike or cyclo is the most convenient.

Motorbike rental price ranges from 80,000 – 200,000 VND/day.

Cyclo prices are calculated by the hour, with a cost of about 50,000 – 80,000 VND for 2 people and only circulate in the central area.

Top attractions

1. Saigon Notre-Dame Basilica

Image’s source : Wikimedia.org Author Erwin Verbruggen

Notre Dame Cathedral has long become a symbol of this city. In the middle of a peaceful and modern place, Notre Dame Cathedral has a special nostalgic and peaceful feature.

This work is designed in the Roman and Gothic architectural styles of Europe, so it is boldly ancient and is considered one of the 19 most beautiful basilicas in the world.

2. Saigon Central Post Office

Image’s source : Wikimedia.org Author Skytel none

Located at 2, Paris Commune Square, District 1. This is a structure designed by architect Villedieu and erected by the Frenchs. The architecture is European style combined with Asian decoration.

3. Crescent Lake – Starlight Bridge

This location is located in District 7, Ho Chi Minh City. The initiative serves as a weekend or holiday destination for young people. Walking through Crescent Lake and Starlight Bridge, unlike other parks, gives you the sensation of being in a sophisticated and elegant city overseas.

4. Ben Thanh market

It is the oldest market in Saigon, both ancient and modern. Ben Thanh Market is a destination not to be missed if traveling to Ho Chi Minh. Operating from 7 am to 7 pm. This market is quite famous for selling all kinds of goods for domestic and foreign tourists. Also one of the symbols of Saigon.

Image’s source : Pixabay

5. The Reunification Palace

The Reunification Palace is situated on a 15-hectare plot of land in the city’s centre. This is a one-of-a-kind architectural work that has been linked to numerous significant historical events in the country.

6. War Remnants Museum

This is the most accurate depiction of the brutal conflict that the Vietnamese people have lived through. In the Con Dao jail, artifacts like airplanes, guns, tanks, guillotines, and two compartments “tiger cages” were constructed to scale.

There is also a gallery dedicated to the conflict on the southern frontier, the war to protect the northern border, the problem of the Spratly archipelago, and the hostile forces’ plot….

7. Nguyen Hue Walking Street

For a long time, Nguyen Hue Street has been the central arterial road of Saigon. Put into use since 2015, Nguyen Hue pedestrian street is the most beautiful and modern square in Vietnam.

When the sun started to fade, the street became crowded again, becoming a gathering place for fun. Especially when it comes to the Lunar New Year, the flower exhibition held here attracts a lot of people’s attention.

8. Cu Chi Tunnels

Cu Chi Tunnels is a resistance base located deep in the ground from the time of the Indochina war. This relic has a system of tunnels between meeting rooms, infirmaries, residences, warehouses… with a length of up to 200km. When you come here to visit, you should bring sports shoes to make the movement more convenient.

9. Golden Dragon Water Puppet Theater

Water puppetry is an ancient art form that originated in the North (Red River Delta) and has since expanded and spread around the world. This art form is frequently performed on religious and exceptional events such as holidays, village festivals, New Year’s Day, and so on…

10. Bach Dang Wharf (District 1, Ho Chi Minh City)

Bach Dang Wharf owns a beautiful position at address 2, Ton Duc Thang Street, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City. As one of the famous tourist attractions in Saigon related to important historical milestones of Vietnam, Bach Dang Wharf has attracted the attention of many foreign tourists.

With the charming beauty next to the Saigon River, from the late 1950s to the 1960s, Bach Dang Wharf was the ideal dating place for many lovers. At night, this place is shimmering and beautiful with a system of luxurious restaurant trains.

11. Bui Vien Walking Street

Bui Vien is a place where you will have endless fun. Every restaurant, pub, bar is always crowded with customers from the evening until the next morning. This is a familiar gathering place for young people in the city and visitors every night.

In addition, there are many other places that are equally attractive, surely the following articles will describe in more detail for you each famous place in Saigon.

Best dishes & restaurants in Ho Chi Minh City

You should try some extremely attractive dishes in Saigon:

  • Broken rice
  • Hu Tieu
  • Mixed rice paper
  • Banh Canh
  • Bun Dau Mam Tom
  • Beef Hot Pot
  • Snails (if you dare trying this dish)

To be able to experience all the cuisines without having to spend too much time and move many places, you can refer to some of the following famous food streets:

1. A famous food street in District 1, Saigon – Co Giang

Here, there are many unique, attractive, and affordable dishes such as Dalat vermicelli noodles, Ms. Tuyen’s grilled meat vermicelli, Ms. Giang’s tea, etc. The location is in the center, so it is very convenient to move here to enjoy.

2. Snacking street along Lake Con Rua

Ho Con Rua food street for Saigon people seems to have become an unforgettable memory. Coming to this neighborhood, you will enjoy mixed rice paper, rolled rice paper, fried quail eggs with tamarind, … Just spend 10,000 – 15,000 VND

3. Phan Xich Long food street

At Phan Xich Long Street, there are also many other dishes, converging the culinary quintessence of the North – Central – South.

4. Alley 200 Xom Chieu

This place is very crowded and also has many delicious and attractive restaurants with extremely affordable prices.

5. Vinh Khanh snail street

Almost all kinds of snails are processed into many different dishes such as boiled snails, fried snails with tamarind, snails with cheese sauce, grilled snails, steamed snails with ginger discharge.

Where to stay ?

Shopping Experience For Tourists

When you travel in Saigon, being quoted high prices is a standard procedure, so you should always bargain with the seller and suggest 50 000 VND to 100 000VND off. And if you find the price too expensive and unreasonable, then just pretend to leave and the sellers will immediately give you a discount.

You can browse through the following products: Shopping for handicrafts, paintings, silk clothes, silk scarves… and many more handmade items.

Saigon’s best markets

  1. Ben Thanh Market Quach Thi Trang Square, District 1 (see on Google Map)
  2. Binh Tay Market 57A Thap Muoi, District 6 (see on Google Map)
  3. Saigon Square Saigon Square 1, 77-89 Nam Ky Khoi Nghia, District 1 (see on Google Map)
  4. Hanh Thong Tay Market Quang Trung Street, Ward 11, Go Vap District (see on Google Map)
  5. Ba Chieu Market Bach Dang Street, Ward 1, Binh Thanh District (see on Google Map)
  6. Tan Dinh Market Hai Ba Trung, Tan Dinh Ward, District 1 (see on Google Map)
  7. An Dong Market No. 34 – 36 An Duong Vuong Street, Dist.5, Ho Chi Minh City (see on Google Map)

Saigon’s insider tips

  • Book flights early: Usually, you can book 1 month in advance or 15 days before the flight, prices will be cheaper.
  • When coming to Vietnam, you should download Grab and Gojek apps to book a car or motorbike with chauffeur to go anywhere and save money.
  • Avoid going to the street during rush hours: from 8am-9am and 17h-18h30 if you want to avoid traffic jams.
  • Bring credit cards, cash, identification papers.
  • Shoppers must bargain, all the time (except in supermarkets).
  • Be careful with your wallet, identity papers, money and valuable items.
  • Do not use the phone while walking in the inner city of Saigon to avoid theft.

Above are our tips for your journey in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) Vietnam. In addition to the ancient architecture, unique street food, busy shopping markets, Saigon people are also very friendly. Hopefully, this article will help readers have a complete experience in their journey.

City Map

Mai Châu Vietnam | Travel Guide

Mai Châu is one of the most popular destinations in North-East Vietnam. Situated at only 140km from Ha Noi, the Mai Chau valley is the ideal weekend getaway to skip the Vietnamese capital’s overwhelming heat. Mai Chau is 800m-900m above the sea level, guaranteeing freshness most of the year.


The summer brings heat of around 34°C (93°F) in Mai Chau, along with occasional bouts of rain.

Between November and April, visitors to Mai Chau can enjoy a temperate climate of around 22 – 25°C (72 – 77°F).

How to get there?

  • By motorbike: 140km. The trip is a journey with several viewpoints, tight turns, hairpin roads.
  • By Car: 150km. This path is longer than the path recommended for motorcycles, but you will be driving on highways for the most part
  • By bus: there are 1 to 2 buses per day from Ha Noi. Prices vary between 70,000VND and 100,000VND. Allow a minimum of 3 hours

What to see in Mai Châu?

  • Temple Thac Bo: located at the water’s edge, you can explore the surroundings by boat
  • Thung Khe: a unique panorama to take your breath away.
  • Go Lao Waterfall: a small waterfall, very popular because you can picnic and cool off
  • Hang Kia: clouds as far as the eye can see (if the weather is nice), plenty of photo opportunities for photographers (and Instagrammers)

Where to stay in Mai Châu?

  • Homestay: you will have to sacrifice your comfort and bring warm clothes (there is no heating inside), but the experience will be more authentic, and above all, you will be able to taste some typical dishes of the region
  • Mai Chau Ecolodge: beautiful view on the rice fields and mountains, in the minimalist villas but with irreproachable comfort, Mai Chau Ecolodge has become the first choice for Hanoians during their weekend getaways.


  • Transport: from $3 to $6 from Hanoi
  • Accommodation: from $3/ person / night to $20 at the hotel (minimum)
  • Scooter rental on site: 100,000VND/day (recommended)
  • Restaurants: it is better to book in advance, at least 100,000VND/person